Monday, January 17, 2022

Gnoll prototype

This is the first one out of four so it was the prototype for the rest. 

Here are the different colours I used. 

A generic grey primer, maybe not my best idea, the miniature does look so nice. The primer is kind of glossy and does not attach well to it. 

Lately I'm using citadel corax white in spray which works much better. I have also a vallejo white primer for brush which I still have to try but which looks promising. 


Base: Citadel Lead belcher

1st layer: GreenSuff intensity Ink tenebris blue 

Axe blade

Base: citadel lead belcher

1st layer: citadel contrast gryph-charger grey (no the best idea)

2nd layer: GreenSuff intensity ink opulentus black (better, looks like a very dark, dull metal)

Axe handle

Base: vallejo bone white

Wash: diluted GreenSuff intensity ink opulentus black

This combo seems to work very good for bone like items. 

Shield and not blue armour parts

Base: citadel lead belcher

1st layer: GreenSuff intensity Ink swamp brown

Armour undercoat

One layer of GreenSuff intensity Ink swamp brown directly over the grey primer


Base: citadel Zandri dust

Dots: citadel mournfang brown

Wash: 1:3 mixture of Army Painter Red wash : vallejo Umber wash

Snout and teeth

A bit of black ink and carefully almost dry vallejo bone white


A bit of citadel wild rider red (which is actuality quite orange)


For the leather stripes, citadel contrast snakebite leather. But it has not enough contrast with the colour of the fur therefore I applied a bit of citadel Lothern blue.

For the actual feet,

Base: vallejo sombre grey

Wash with vallejo umber wash

Not the look I was aiming for

Should be more dark and brownish.


Vallejo desert yellow followed by Army Painter Red wash


Army Painter Red wash directly over the grey primer

Here some photos of the different steps. 

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