Monday, November 9, 2009

First Blood

A nice way to get an army for the Red block of 2000 army points (AP) for not so much money. The box contains a lot of things, but the interesting is the army itself:

• 1 unit of 12 Krasnye Soldaty: regular infantry containing three grenade launchers, two medics and an officer

• 1 unit of 8 Krasnye Soldaty: regular infantry containing one grenade launcher, two mechanics and an officer

• 6 Dragonov Kommandos: elite infantry with one sniper rifle, an electronic warfare specialist, a medic and an officer

• Odin O-1 and Manon O-2: the Red Blok’s two greatest heroes

• 1 Urod: Odin O-1’s and Manon O-2’s combat strider

• 1 Dotch Yaga: the most heavily armored combat strider to ever grace the battlefield

Before getting this box I was already having some Krasnye and some Spetsnatz Kommandos but I wanted to try the army box so I decided not to use any other unit for my very first game of AT-43.
My opponent was also a 2000 points army form the U.N.A. Mind (actually only 1990 AP)
1 Copperhead (470)
1 Fire Toad + Bad Dog (450)
1 Cobra M8 with a sergeant (415)

We used a quite big table, around 2 x 2 meters (7' x 7') and we decided to run a "King of the Hill" scenario. The hill was actually a system of trenches slightly above the general level of the table. There were some containers and other scenography maybe no so much as it would have be needed, but taking into account that it was also the first game of my opponent, we were (we are) still trying out things :D
The trenches system was open, without any roof and turned out to be a deadly trap for my infantry as the U.N.A. army was having several indirect fire arms which fired unopposed on my Krasnye, massacring them.
For the starting positions of deployment we rolled a dice but we considered also the corners of the table for the roll and sure enough we got that outcome. So we started the game on opposite corners of a big table without so much cover and a lot of AFVs around. The heavy vehicles dominated the field and the infantry was a mere spectator of the battle.
Impress by the heavy armour of the Dotch Yaga I decided to deploy it on my right flank with a unit of Krasnye to try to go for the souther side of the hill, whereas the Urod was deployed on the left flank with the other Krasnye unit and the Dragonovs.
The Urod managed to get cover behind a container and open fire on the AFVs of the imperialists. At the same time, the Dotch Yaga was able to see them over the low elevation of the trenches and also opened fire on them. Unluckily for my side, the U.N.A. AFVs were all of them having the ability of mechanic and therefore able to repair themselves. Obviously this made the destruction or serious damage of these units very difficult even for the Dotch Yaga. Some attempts of concentrating the fire on one unit were also not so fruitful.
However, the Tac Arms tried to approach the trenches from the East side and were deadly close to the heavy mortar of the Dotch Yaga, only the hero (Lt. Epstone) managed to survive the round :D
Nevertheless, she managed to manoeuvre and outflank the Krasnye on cover behind the Dotch Yaga and to shoot them on a very short range, killing the last mechanic. A lucky salvo from the imperialist AFVs landed on the frame of the Dotch Yaga and destroyed it !!!.
In the mean time, the Urod was shooting the U.N.A. forces from behind the trenches, but without too much success. The Wing Sniper Team was behind a fortified wall and able to target almost any point of the battle field. Something not very good for the survival chances of the Krasnye Soldaty.
The Urod charged against the U.N.A. forces on an attempt to short the range and destroy the leading AFV, but the destruction of the Dotch Yaga focused all the fire on it.
The second unit of Krasny had managed to reach the trenches but the position was so exposed that the mortars of the U.N.A. and the snipers were able to almost wipe them out.
The destruction of the Dotch Yaga was also the end of the game. The time we were having for the whole game was over and the final outcome was more or less clear. A sounded defeat for the Red Block :(
Our posterior analysis of the battle in the light of the forums and related webs pointed out to an excessive size of the table and a lack of cover for the battle. The tactical error of letting the Dotch Yaga alone on one flank with only one mechanic was also something to learn for the future.
But, the game was incredible funny, fast paced (more or less, we are still mastering the rules after all) and with glorious moments.
After this first battle we decided to go on with the game and order some more miniatures and plan the second round, but with more cover and a better hill; a bit higher, so that no unit should be able to see over it ;D (the first one was very low and allowed the AFVs to see the other side, which kind of hill does it?)
Even having being defeated, I really enjoyed the battle as well as my opponent did.
We were both of us looking forward for a second go !

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